Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Acorn People: Last Days

A water ballet was performed on the last day of Camp Wiggin. All the people came to watch the play. After the play was over they had a swimming contest. Spider was chosen as the winner of the swimming contest. They felt sad leaving Camp Wiggin because of all the things they did together and they had to go home.

All of the campers died soon after they left Camp Wiggin. All the campers died that following year without a funeral. Benny B. was the last one to leave camp, he was the only one to have a funeral.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Acorn People Day 10

There was a fun dance at Camp Wiggin. Everyone at the camp came to the dance. No one wanted to dance and the girls wore makeup. They did a line dance and a bunny hop girls on one side and boys on the other side. The campers chose who would be king and queen. They chose Arid as King and Ms. Nelson as queen.

The campers knew camp was almost over. They were sad, didn't talk and wet the bed. They all went back to how they were. Ron had to clean the pool but he didn't want to.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Acorn People Day 6

Martin,Dominic,Benny B,Spider,Arid,Thomas Stewart, and Ron all climbed Mt. Lookout at dawn. It was a hard challenge to climb up Mt. Lookout because it was uphill and it was rocky. It happened at Camp Wiggins and Mt. Lookout. It was a challenge to the campers because it was hard to drive up the hill. They do it for the challenge.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Acorn People Day 3

Ron and Dominic changed the schedule at camp Wiggin. They went swimming and had a party. They made more acorn necklaces for more people. Martin seen that the blind girl didn't have a necklace so he gave his away to Mary. They had to make him a new one because he gave his away to the blind girl. They all made an acorn necklace for there girlfriends.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Acorn People Day 2

Benny B. has poli-no use of legs, he is fast and mobile. He didn't need alot of care because he was small. Spider had no arms nor legs he also had hydrocephalic water on brain. He swims well without arms and legs and he likes to talk. Thomas Stewart has muscular sclerosis and dry mouth. He is also very limp and very light. Martin is blind and seemed to have good sense. He would also curse at himself and he could only see above head level. Aaron had no bladder and his urine bag smelled like urine. He would also threaten with his urine bag.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Acorn People Day 1

Ron disliked his job as a counselor at a summer camp for disabled kids because he thought it was going to be fun and he thought kids would be normal. Kids couldn't go to the restroom, couldn't talk or they couldn't feed themselves.