Friday, April 30, 2010


Opal went to visit Gloria Dump . Opal told Gloria Dump the ten things about her mom. Gloria Dump gave her a tree to plant. Opal asked if she could come back to check on the tree, and to visit Gloria Dump everyday.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Opal met the librarian and they became friends. Miss Franny, the librarian, told her a story about a bear coming into the library.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Opal's dad told her 10 things about her mother. She drank beer and whiskey, hated being a preacher's wife, couldn't cook, packed bags and left, knew on consellations, didn't like being judged, loved stories, run fast, fought a bit, and her mama loved her.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Flowers For Algernon

"The Flowers For Algernon" tells a story about Charlie who is a mentally retarded adult. He has a brain operation that fails. Algernon is a rat that has the same brain operation as Charlie. Before the operation Charlie worked at a bakery and was a very happy man. After awhile Algernon became weaker and eventually died. After Charlie had the brain surgery he knew he was going to die, because the mouse had died. Also, Charlie got fired and wasn't happy. He was happier before the operation and was not afraid to die.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

White Fang

My pet dog is named White Fang. He has beautiful blue eyes and he is very nice. He likes to dig and is very smart. He has lots of hair and always smells good. He lets me know when he has to use the bathroom by howling. He is a full blooded Siberian Husky. I got him at a dog sale in Topeka. I like to play Frisbee with him and I also like to take him for walks. He's five years old.